Let’s advance racial justice through community schools

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“In response to successful organizing in 2021 by students and families of color and more than 50 organizations, state leaders approved a historic $3 billion for the California Community Schools Partnership Program, the largest investment of its kind in the nation. This summer, thousands of California schools will receive grants aimed at ensuring that the people most impacted by educational injustice will join in co-designing local schools.

Community schools are sometimes described as campuses that offer additional student services, such as healthcare. While healthcare and other supports are critical, a service-oriented approach misses the larger opportunity to transform the whole school community and create a positive school culture through developing racially-just relationships among educators, staff, students, and families. That was a top priority for the more than 600 people who joined in six regional forums to tell state leaders about their vision for community schools.”

Read the full article here.

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