Coalition for Community Schools
March for Children and Youth Month Playbook 2024
The March for Children and Youth Month Playbook is designed to provide simple steps to advocate for Community Schools as a vehicle to address inequities children face every day!
Coalition for Community Schools; The Center for Popular Democracy; Southern Education Foundation
COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: Transforming Struggling Schools into Thriving Schools
This report outlines six essential strategies for Community Schools and the key mechanisms used to implement these strategies. Next, it profiles Community Schools across the country where these model strategies are being used to achieve transformational results. A close look at these model Community Schools and districts shows that across racial, economic, and geographic diversities in this country, Community Schools work. As the new federal education legislation gives states greater power to implement Community Schools, we recommend learning from the strategies and mechanisms we provide in this report—both from research and from practice—to achieve transformational and sustainable Community Schools across the country.
Coalition for Community Schools
Coalition for Community Schools 117th Congress Federal Policy Agenda
For the current 117th Congressional session, the Coalition co-developed with our partners a federal policy agenda that guides our federal advocacy.
Coalition for Community Schools
Policy by The People Agenda for the 117th Congress
This policy agenda is the Institute for Educational Leadership’s inaugural Policy by the People agenda, which reflects the direct input via surveys and focus groups of hundreds of leaders across IEL’s networks that we engaged in 2020. These leaders span the roles of parents/family, youth age 18 and under, district leaders, nonprofit leaders, state and local government representatives, people with disabilities, and elected officials across dozens of communities in the United States.
Coalition for Community Schools
60 Community Schools across Six Districts