
Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools Collaborative Leadership Framework

A key resource for the Coalition for Community School Leadership Network

Coalition for Community Schools

Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships: The Community Schools Strategy Handout

This Guide is helpful for anyone engaged in a place-based strategy including community schools, Promise Neighborhoods, Choice Neighborhoods, and other cradle-to-career efforts.

Coalition for Community Schools

The Role of Community Schools in Place-Based Initiatives – Collaborating for Student Success

This paper demonstrates that Community schools offer a powerful vision and strategy for what schools should look like within broader place-based initiatives and how community schools can benefit from alignment with other efforts.

Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools Collaborative Leadership Framework

This framework shows how schools, communities and intermediaries can work together, collaboratively to have successful community schools.

Coalition for Community Schools

Aligning Networks to Enable Every Student to Thrive

The Coalition for Community Schools, Communities In Schools and StriveTogether are aligning there efforts through their assets and expertise across networks, across school districts and across communities to drive greater impact for more children.

Chapin Hall

Achieving Ambitious Educational Outcomes through School and Community Partnerships

This summary aims to share ideas from a convening with policymakers, leaders in education, and community leaders who are interested in partnerships as a strategy for improving children’s long-term outcomes.


RETURN On INVESTMENT (ROI) of a Community School Coordinator

This case study calculates the return-on-investment for a Community School Coordinator, the person who oversees implementation of the Community Schools strategy, and shares responsibility for the outcomes.